Organized Bathroom Drawers
I recently organized my bathroom drawers. I want to share them - not because I have the cutest organizers, or any groundbreaking new organizing ideas, but because with all the construction, and moving that has been going on around here I am T I R E D. I hate living in a disorganized house, but I have been having such a hard time finding the energy to get everything in the shape I would like it to be. So, finally, I decided I had better start organizing, taking pictures, and posting them to help me be motivated.
There will probably be quite a few posts like this coming, as I work my way through my house.
I have two banks of drawers for me in my bathroom vanity. My husband has another bank of drawers, but I won't be sharing those. I never thought I would fill up both banks, but somehow I managed to do it.
So, first up, this is the top drawer and the one I am in most often. It holds my toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, contact lens case, and my face products that I use daily.
The next drawer down holds my make-up. Do you think my brushes have seen better days?
The polka-dot bag in the back of the drawer holds things like nail clippers, manicure scissors, tweezers, etc.
The next drawer down holds hair styling tools. I keep waiting for my blow dryer to die. It is seriously over 15 years old and even though it is still going strong, I am just sure it is going to give out on me one of these days.
The bottom drawer holds pedicure supplies.
The next bank of drawers holds clippers for cutting the boys hair, a mirror, ponytail holders, bobby pins, and other miscellaneous hair supplies.
The next drawer down, holds various spa-day type stuff.
This drawer holds all the new spare products that I like to have close at hand whenever I run out of something.
Finally, under the sink I have bins that hold lotions, hair products, saline solution, etc.
So, there you have it. My organized bathroom drawers. It is nice to have at least one space in the house that is a little more the way I like it. On to the next one!!