Domestic Doings - January

 Several years ago, I would regularly put up posts that I titled "Domestic Doings".  They weren't about anything in particular.  It was just a few quick snapshots of some of the domestic things I had done around the house lately.  A few days ago, I decided that I wanted to bring those Domestic Doings posts back to the blog. So - - around the end of each month, I hope to share a few of the domestic things I have done over the past month on the blog.  

So for January - this month I may have a little less to share, because I decided to do this kind of last minute, so I didn't take that many pictures, but I'll share what I have and hope that I do a little better in February.

Domestic Doings 2025 - here we go...

I was cleaning out my freezer and found some Rhodes rolls that needed to be used, so I made this yummy Butterscotch Bubble Loaf, and updated a couple of the pictures on my blog post about it.

I used some of my favorite PB & J Protein Smoothie and Delicious Homemade Granola, to make this smoothie bowl.  Mmmm!  So Good!  It would probably have been even better with a few fresh fruits sprinkled on top, but it was awesome even without them.

Our family, like every other family it seems, has been fighting off colds, so I made another batch of my favorite Elderberry Syrup.

I tried another recipe from my Mom's recipe box that I thought might be good for Valentine's Day.  It is called Pink Cloud Pie, and I liked it, but I didn't love it, and therefore it won't have a place on the blog. Just in case anyone thinks they would like to try it, here is a picture of the recipe - straight from her recipe box.

One of my boys had a birthday and requested some of my homemade pancakes for breakfast.

Finally, just yesterday I pulled out some of the Valentine's Day decor.  I don't do much in the way of valentines decor, so this took me all of about 5 - 10 minutes.

I pulled out the favorite Hugs and Kisses Quilt.

I put up some of our minimal Valentine's day decor.

And last, but not least, I hung the tulip wreath on the door.

Here is a link for the wreath, if you are interested in getting one for yourself.   They are nice and full and very pretty.  I love to hang it on my door for Valentine's Day and Spring/Easter.  They are available in other colors too, if you like the style but the colors aren't quite to your taste.

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I hope you enjoyed this revived Domestic Doings post.  It was a good January.